Our Quality Dental Bone Graft in Tijuana, MX

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Dental Bone Graft in Tijuana

A dental bone graft is a common dental surgery used to strengthen the jawbone, typically needed when a patient has experienced bone loss due to tooth extraction, gum disease, or trauma. During the procedure, bone tissue from the patient, a donor, or a synthetic source is added to the deficient area, creating a scaffold for the body to regenerate bone. This provides a stable base for dental implants or other restorative treatments, helping patients regain oral health and enhance their smile.

Treatments for A Dental Bone Graft

Dental Implants

Dental bone grafts are frequently performed in preparation for dental implant placement. If there is not enough bone to support an implant, a graft can be used to build up the bone volume and ensure the implant’s stability.

Tooth Extractions

When a tooth is extracted, especially if it is a molar or has severe infection or decay, bone loss in the surrounding area can occur. A bone graft may be needed to preserve the bone structure for future implant placement.

Ridge Augmentation

If the jaw ridge is too thin or shallow to support dental implants, ridge augmentation may be performed to widen and heighten the ridge through bone grafting.

Sinus Lift (Sinus Augmentation)

In the upper jaw, the sinuses are situated close to the tooth roots. When teeth are lost in this area, the sinuses can expand and reduce the available bone for implants. A sinus lift procedure involves adding bone graft material to lift the sinus membrane, creating more space for dental implants.

Periodontal Disease

Severe periodontal disease can lead to bone loss in the jaw, which may require bone grafting to regenerate the lost bone and provide a stable foundation for teeth.

Trauma or Injury

Facial trauma or injury can result in bone loss in the jaw. In these cases, bone grafts may be necessary to repair and reconstruct the damaged bone.

There are different types of materials that can be used for bone grafting in dentistry, including:


Bone is taken from the patient’s body, often the hip, jaw, or tibia, and autografts are preferred for their superior integration potential.


Bone material obtained from human donors, processed and sterilized for safe use in patients.


Bone grafts come from animals like cows or pigs. Xenografts are processed to lower the risk of rejection by removing organic material.

Synthetic Grafts

Artificial bone graft materials created in a laboratory, such as calcium phosphate or calcium sulfate.


Dental bone graft procedure overview:

  1. Assessment: Comprehensive oral evaluation and imaging to determine bone loss extent.
  2. Anesthesia: Local anesthesia for patient comfort.
  3. Graft Material: Selection of graft source (autograft, allograft, or synthetic).
  4. Incision: Surgical incision for graft access.
  5. Graft Placement: Precise positioning of graft material.
  6. Suturing: Closing the incision to aid healing and prevent infection.
  7. Healing and Integration: Natural integration of graft over months.
  8. Follow-Up: Monitoring and planning further dental procedures, like implant placement.

Good Benefits

Dental bone grafts provide crucial structural support for dental implants, restoring the ability to eat, speak, and smile confidently. They promote bone regeneration, ensuring long-term implant stability and preserving facial structure. With adaptable graft sources, such as the patient’s own bone, donor tissue, or synthetics, they suit a broad range of patients, enhancing oral health, aesthetics, and overall well-being.


Dental bone grafts, though generally safe and effective, come with potential risks. These include infection at the surgical site, rare graft rejection, and possible post-operative discomfort, swelling, or bruising. There’s also a small risk of nerve damage or injury to nearby structures. These risks can be minimized with proper evaluation, preparation, and post-operative care, emphasizing the importance of discussing them with a healthcare provider before the procedure.


Q: What is a dental bone graft, and why might I need one?

  • A dental bone graft is a procedure that adds bone material to your jaw. It’s necessary when your jawbone is too thin or weak to support dental implants.

Q: Is a dental bone graft a painful procedure?

  • The procedure is typically done under local anesthesia, so you won’t feel pain during the surgery. Some post-operative discomfort is common, but your dentist will provide pain relief options.

Q: How long does a dental bone graft procedure usually take?

  • The duration varies depending on the complexity, but it generally takes about 1-2 hours.

Q: Can anyone get a dental bone graft, or are there restrictions?

  • Most individuals can undergo a dental bone graft, but your overall health and bone condition will be assessed to determine your candidacy.

Q: Is there a recovery period after a dental bone graft, and how do I care for it?

  • Yes, there is a healing period. Your dentist will provide specific post-operative care instructions, typically soft foods and proper oral hygiene.

Q: What is the success rate of dental bone grafts?

  • It has a high success rate, often exceeding 90%, but individual results may vary based on factors such as bone quality and patient health.

Q: Can I eat normally after a dental bone graft?

  • Initially, you’ll need to stick to soft foods, gradually transitioning to your regular diet as your healing progresses.

Q: Are there any risks or complications associated with dental bone grafts?

  • While rare, complications like infection, graft failure, or nerve injury can occur. Your dentist will discuss potential risks during your consultation.

Q: How long does it take for the grafted bone to integrate and be ready for dental implants?

  • The integration period can vary but typically ranges from a few months to a year, allowing the grafted bone to become strong enough to support dental implants.

Q: How can I maintain oral health after a dental bone graft?

  • Maintaining proper oral hygiene, visiting your dentist regularly, and following post-operative care instructions will help you achieve and maintain good oral health after a dental bone graft.

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